2018 Lane Cove Head wrap-up

Published Tue 11 Sep 2018

Rowing NSW again hosted The Lane Cove Head Regatta on Saturday 8 Sept 2018. This is the third year this event has been run and the race got underway ahead of the scheduled 8:15 start. The course has been designed to promote sweep rowing on a fun and exciting course that winds its way down the picturesque Lane Cove River. This year 24 crews competed with 220 total participants. The weather was overcast with a light drizzle early on but the rain held off with nice conditions for rowing. Apart from 1 unfortunate Leichhardt eight, all crews finished the race with some no doubt tired and sore athletes by the end it. UTS 1 MO 8+ and Sydney University 1 WO 8+ took out the overall win for the men's and women's eights.  North Shore MM 8+ and Sydney University Composite WM 8+ took out the overall result for the men's and women's masters.

On behalf of everyone at Rowing NSW we would like to thank all the following volunteers who took time out of their Saturday morning to help marshal the event.

Mike Angus
Chris Malouf
Greg Cheetham
Guy Bicknell
Steve Sherry
Kathleen Hextell
Linda Munns-Conry
Rob Glendenning

The Full results table can be found here and some pictures from the day below. Again, thank you to everyone who volunteered at the event and congratulations to all the crews and individuals who participated. Its a challenging course to compete in and we hope you enjoyed the race.