2021 Australian Masters Rowing Championships - Trailer Contacts

Published Mon 03 May 2021

This page is designed to assist clubs and competitors with getting boats to and from West Lakes for the 2021 Australian Masters Rowing Championships.

Trailer Space Available

If you have trailer space available, to advertise below please send through details to owen@rowingnsw.asn.au

Club Date Departing Date Arriving at West Lakes Number of spots available Specifics Date Departing West Lakes Date Arriving Home Contact
e.g. Club A Monday 24th May Tuesday 25th May 6

1 Quad/Four
2 Double Sculls/Pairs
3 Single Sculls

Monday 31st May Tuesday 1st June

A Citizen


St George RC Tuesday 25th May Wednesday 26th May 6 Most combinations Monday 31st May Tuesday 1st June Steve Harrison

Trailer Space Sought

If you require a spot on a trailer, to advertise below please send through details to owen@rowingnsw.asn.au

Contact Number of Boats Specifics
e.g. Owen Nix 1 1 x Eight (6-2 section)