2021 NSW Masters Rowing Championships POSTPONED
Published Wed 12 May 2021
Wednesday, 12 May 2021
NSW Masters Championships Regatta Postponed As you are aware Rowing NSW recently moved the NSW Masters Championship Regatta, scheduled for the 15-16 May to the Nepean River due to a significant outbreak of toxic Blue Green Algae (cyanobacteria) at the Sydney International Regatta Centre.
Due to recent rainfall experienced throughout the Sydney Basin and with Warragamba Dam at 100% capacity the Nepean River has once again flooded, breaking the banks at Weir Reserve.
Rowing NSW has been informed today that there are current and ongoing releases from Warragamba Dam occurring that will hold the Penrith Weir level to at least 1.7m for at least the next four days with the current level sitting at 1.83m. To boat safely from Weir Reserve, the access point for the NSW Masters Championships the water is required to be at 1.3m.
With river levels not anticipated to subside by the required 0.5m prior to the regatta this weekend the regatta area is severely impacted, reducing space for boating as well as making it extremely dangerous to boat from for both rowers and officials, due to the drop off to the river at the height of the water upon entry. The current environment does not allow us to boat the 700 vessels involved safely, while ensuring that the regatta can run within scheduled time requirements. The additional releases will also impact the flow of the river causing a large run which Rowing NSW has deemed to be unsafe and unfair.
Based on the information presented to us and having investigated suitable alternative venues to hold a Championship regatta at short notice Rowing NSW has made the necessary yet unfortunate decision to postpone the NSW Masters Championships. Due to the upcoming Australian Masters Championship Regatta in South Australia and availability of waterways and regatta operators we have identified next weekend, 22-23 May to hold the regatta at the Nepean River.
If water levels have not subsided appropriately by next Wednesday, 19 May then Rowing NSW will further postpone the regatta to the first available date in July. We hope that by this time we will be able to hold the regatta at the Sydney International Regatta Centre.
Rowing NSW understands that this is not an ideal situation and that cancellation is not an option due to our Masters community missing out on competing last year. We know that this new date will not suit everyone but we hope you understand our commitment to the community to hold the event safely and fairly.
Entries will be reopened so appropriate changes to crews can be made without penalty. Entries will now close on Monday 24 May at 5.00pm.
We thank you for your understanding.
Margot Harley
Rowing NSW
View the official Rowing NSW statement here.