Bob Stone - Health Update

Published Mon 13 Jul 2020

Updated: Friday 24th July 2020

Vale - Bob Stone

We are sad to advise of the passing of Bob Stone in the early hours of this morning, Friday 24th July, aged 87 years.  

Our thoughts are with his family during this time.

Monday 13th July 2020:

Bob Stone - Health Update

Bob Stone (Life Member of Leichhardt Rowing Club) in recent months has experienced serious health issues, and is to move into palliative care following current hospitalisation.

Bob was President of Leichhardt from 1986-2001 and as a young member in the 1950's/1960's had State Championship wins in Eights (3), Lightweight eights (7) and 3 in Lightweight Fours - it was a very successful era for Leichhardt.

Born in the UK, he arrived as a teenager in Australia where his practice in playing the bagpipes in the local Leichhardt Park, attracted the attention of rowing Club officials.

In the 1970's, Bob coached at Sydney Rowing Club, again successfully with National wins in Lightweight eight Oar events.    

After his return to Leichhardt in 1984 he led a young group of rowers, including his son Paul, in winning the 1988/1989 State Premiership, its first after an earlier win in 1961.

In 1999, Bob retired with his wife Mary to Dunbogan, NSW and more recently to Mountain Creek, Sunshine Coast, Queensland where they both enjoy the passion and mateship of amateur dancing in all its forms and, more importantly, close to their daughter, Rowena and family.

Both Bob and Mary have continued to attend reunions of both rowing clubs and NSW Police where Bob was highly regarded.  

His many friends wish him well at this very trying time.