Clubs in Focus | Balmain Rowing Club Treasurer Mark Thompson named Australian Non-Profit Treasurer of the Year

Published Tue 25 Sep 2018

23 September 2018 

Inner West resident, Mark Thompson emerged as a winner from over 1200 entries in this year’s Not-For-Profit Treasurer’s Award.  Mark is the Treasurer of Balmain Rowing Club.

Designed to highlight the importance of financial governance in not-for-profit organisations, the Treasurers' Award recognises outstanding performances by volunteer treasurers.

The award was presented by the newly-appointed chief of Australian Financial Complaints Authority, David Locke, who noted the relative strength of governance in the Not-for-Profit sector in Australia - and the critical role played by its treasurers.

Mark’s club, Balmain Rowing Club, is a community rowing club that encourages rowers from all walks of life - from young state high-school students, people with disabilities, older people, and everyone in between.  The club’s motto is “Rowing for All."

Balmain Rowing Club will receive $5,000 prize money from the Commonwealth Bank.  The funds will be used to help build a ramp to allow direct water access for rowers with disabilities and the local community.

Mark's work as treasurer was recognised as he helped Balmain Rowing Club reach record levels of members, growth and participation through:

  • Tax-free gifting funding new junior bursaries for local state high-school children
  • Rigorous cash forecasting allowing the club to save their 138-year-old historic weatherboard building
  • Completion of 15-year historical benchmarking analysis to help make better financial decisions
  • Arranging many successful applications for government grants & other sponsorship programmes
  • Introduction of new accounting standards, KPIs & audit process
  • New member and cloud accounting systems for better member experience

The club has gone from strength to strength over recent years, but Mark points out this is not just his doing - it’s from strong leadership, persistent fundraising and in-touch membership groups.
“When members of our committee said they wanted to enter me in this award, I said 'no way'.  But when they said the club would be entitled to $5,000, I said 'do your your worst’ - and they must have!  I am very honoured to receive this award." Mark Thompson.

Mark Thompson doesn’t just contribute to his sport of rowing- he is also the National Operations Director of Amelie Housing, the community housing division of St Vincent de Paul.

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Fact File:

  • Australia has 600,000 not-for-profit organisations in Australia (Productivity commission)
  • Treasurer roles on Not for Profit boards are often the hardest to fill according to Our Community
  • The Not for Profit Treasurers Awards 2018 are awarded by Our Community and sponsored by the Commonwealth Bank of Australia
  • Balmain Rowing Club is a 138 year-old rowing club located in Balmain next to the Dawn Fraser baths