Cortisone (Glucorticoid) Injection Changes | Sport Integrity Australia

Published Wed 15 Sep 2021

Sport Integrity Australia has provided an update in regards to the change in the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) rules around Glucocorticoid injections in-competition starting 1 January 2022.

Glucocorticoid (GC) injections are commonly prescribed for the management of medical conditions which include:

• Inflammation in joints, bursa or tendon sheaths.

• For neural impingement syndromes and disc pathology (epidural).

• For severe allergies such as anaphylaxis.

From 1 January 2022, all GC injections will be prohibited in-competition. Previously some routes of GC injection were permitted in-competition (e.g. local, joint) but now all injectable GCs will be prohibited in-competition, making their classification consistent with oral GC preparations. If an athlete is prescribed a GC injection during the in-competition period, you will need to determine if you require an in-advance Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE). Check your requirements on the Sport Integrity App

Please see the attached factsheets and posters that further explain these new rules.

Factsheet Athlete

Flyer Athlete

Factsheet Doctor

Flyer Doctor