Grafton Rowing Club | Seeking past and present members to assist with recording the history of the club
Published Tue 15 Dec 2020
Please read information below from program coordinator Wendy Ford in regards to Grafton Rowing Club.
She can be contacted at
The Cultural Grants Program is a Create NSW funding program administered by the Royal Australian Historical Society (RAHS) on behalf of the NSW Government.
The grant assists historical societies and communities across NSW with the research, writing and publication/production of a wide range of history projects.
The Grafton Rowing Club has been successful in obtaining a grant of $2,690.00 to assist with the research and recording of the history of the Grafton Rowing Club through the Cultural Grants Program.
The Grafton Rowing Club was established in 1882, and is believed to be the second oldest registered rowing club in Australia.
A recent break-in and the subsequent vandalism of records at the Grafton Rowing Club administration building highlighted the need to record this history.
The call is going out to all past and present members of the Grafton Rowing Club, and their families, for material that may be included in the publication. Photos, trophies, and memories from the past 138 years would be greatly appreciated. Items would be copied or photographed and returned, and memories recorded.
The project is not limited to the Grafton Rowing Club, and will include Grafton High School Rowing, South Grafton High School Rowing, The Volunteer Water Brigades, and several rowing clubs that existed in the Grafton area that have since disbanded.
Please contact Wendy, the project coordinator, by email at if you have any history to share.