Greenwich Point Wharf Upgrade | Project Update

Published Tue 03 Aug 2021

The NSW Government is planning to improve Greenwich Point Wharf as part of the Transport Access Program. Customers with mobility needs are currently unable to access Lower Serpentine Road from Greenwich Point Wharf.

The NSW government has provided an update on the project after receiving feedback from the local community. 

Consultation Snapshot:

  • 237 submissions
  • 68 drop-in session attendees
  • Over 18,100 people reached

Next steps

The NSW Government are investigating options to further refne the design to address the feedback from the community. The NSW Government will provide an update when the consultation report has been published in the coming months.


Phone: 1800 770 973


To read more on the Greenwich Point Wharf Update click HERE

To view the March 2021 Community Update click HERE.