Importance of Boat Lights

Published Tue 14 Jun 2022

A reminder of the importance of boat lights to ensure the safety of all as we head towards the shortest daylight hours of the year at the Winter Solstice.

If you do not meet the below requirements, do not row between sunset and sunrise.

The following is contained within the NSW Waterways, Rowing Code of Conduct:

3. Lighting requirements for Rowing/Sculling/Paddle craft over 4m in length

3.1  Despite the minimal lighting requirements set out in Rule 25 of the International Regulations For Preventing Collisions At Sea in relation to vessels under oars, Transport for NSW (Maritime) is of the view that for safety reasons any such vessels that are greater than 4 metres in length should, in restricted visibility and between sunset and sunrise, exhibit:

  1. Two all-round white LED lights, one attached to the vessel at or near the forward end, and one attached to the vessel at or near the aft end. The lights can be either two continuous white lights, 2 flashing white lights or a combination of the two.
  2. A continuous white LED light is considered acceptable if it is visible in clear conditions from a distance of 1 kilometre.
  3. A flashing white LED light is considered acceptable if it flashes at least once per second and is visible in clear conditions from a distance of 1 kilometre.
  4. Notwithstanding 3.1(a), it is considered acceptable for a light to be masked so as not to interfere with the vision of the vessel’s occupants, provided at least one light is visible from any direction.

Lights may be purchased from the below retailers, amongst others: