Maritime NSW Statement - Increased noise complaints

Published Mon 15 Mar 2021

In response to the significant increase in numbers of complaints regarding noise from Rowers and Coach vessels, mainly but not limited to before 7am and after 7pm across the Sydney Area.

NSW Maritime would like to remind all rowers, coaches, schools and clubs of their responsibilities regarding noise and to notify that NSW Maritime will be taking ‘Zero Tolerance Approach’ to offensive noise.

To make it clear, NSW Maritime considers the use of megaphones/loud hailers (prior to 7am, and after 7pm) offensive, and would deem the person/organisation to be emitting offensive noise under the Protection of the Environment Operations (Noise Control) Regulation 2017. As such, a person causing or an organisation permitting the this noise could be guilty of an offence.

Possible offences under the Protection of the Environment Operations (Noise Control) Regulation 2017 include;

Person causing offensive noise to be emitted - $300

Organisation permitting offensive noise to be emitted - $600

In either instance a Noise Abatement Direction would also be issued which would place a restriction on the person for a further 28 days from emitting offensive noise. Failure to comply - $300


Warwick Scott
Senior Boating Safety Officer | Sydney Harbour
Greater Sydney
Transport for NSW