National Integrity Framework Whole of Sport Policies

Published Tue 20 Sep 2022

At the August Board meeting  the Rowing NSW Board approved the adoption of the Rowing Australia National Integrity Framework (NIF) Whole of Sport Policy.

Rowing Australia commenced work to adopt the Framework of policies provided by Sport Integrity Australia in May 2021 and moved to formally adopt the policies effective 30 June 2022.

Rowing NSW is required to adopt any Whole of Sport Policies set by Rowing Australia as a Member Association under the Rowing Australia and Rowing NSW constitutions. Therefore Rowing NSW and our members are now bound by the following policies:
•    National Integrity Framework – the umbrella policy that establishes the jurisdiction and scope of the Framework and requirements or processes that are common to all policies.
•    Member Protection Policy – this replaces and covers similar ground to the previous Member Protection Policy, by prohibiting abuse, bullying, harassment, sexual misconduct, unlawful discrimination, victimisation, and vilification.
•    Child Safeguarding Policy – a standalone policy for child safeguarding (which used to be part of the earlier Member Protection Policy) which sets out the expected standards of behaviour and the behaviours that are not acceptable.
•    Improper Use of Drugs & Medicine Policy – sitting alongside the existing anti-doping policies, this deals with medication, supplements and injections; illegal drugs; and qualifications for sport science and sport medicine personnel.
•    Competition Manipulation and Sports Wagering Policy – this replaces and covers similar ground to the previous anti-wagering policies.
•    Complaints, Disputes and Discipline Policy – this sets out the new independent, transparent, and fair system for managing complaints and disciplinary action arising from alleged breaches of the Framework policies – but does not apply to eligibility and selection, competition-related rules, personal grievances, code of conduct or governance matters.

These Policies and additional fact sheets can be viewed at 

Under this new framework Sports Integrity Australia will manage the independent assessment and referral of complaints. This will reduce the burden on administrators and volunteers and provide athletes and participants with a consistent, fair, and independent dispute resolution process.

For further more information on the National Integrity Framework please visit: National Integrity Framework and Rowing Australia - What is Sport Integrity 

Please note that the policies contained in the NIF are effective 1 July 2022. Matters relating to the following policies prior to 30 June 2022 will be dealt with under previous policies through the sport itself: 

Historical RA Policies
•    Member Protection Policy (version 8 – effective 3 May 2016 to 29 June 2020)
•    Member Protection Policy (version 9 – effective 30 June 2020 to 30 June 2022)
•    Illicit Drugs in Sport Policy (effective 23 February 2017 – 30 June 2022)
•    No Needles Policy (effective 23 February 2017 – 30 June 2022)
•    National Policy on Match-Fixing (effective 12 December 2013 – 30 June 2022)
•    Anti-Doping Policy (effective 10 August 2020 – 30 June 2022)

As part of the education process for Clubs and Members there will be forums in Metro Sydney and regional NSW before the end of this year.