Nepean River - Water Level & Training Camps

Published Fri 14 Jan 2022

The water level at the Nepean River is higher than usual, currently sitting at just over 2 metres, having fallen more than 60 centimetres in the past 4 days.  This makes boating difficult and slow at Weir Reserve.  Navigating through The Narrows is also not safe.  As it is not possible to safely go through The Narrows, all crews and coaching boats will be using the reduced safe waterway, therefore being considerate takes on additional importance.

Clubs and Schools looking at hosting training camps on the river later this month need to consider the reduced navigable waterway when planning their camps.  The higher water level also results in significant bounce-back of boat wash from the banks of the river.  We ask that coaches be considerate of their wash to ensure conditions are safe, productive and enjoyable for all training on the waterway.

Any visiting clubs and school training on the Nepean River should advise Nepean and Penrith Rowing Clubs via the Nepean River Users Log, found here.