Notice of Annual General Meeting | Wednesday 27 October 2021

Published Wed 29 Sep 2021

Notice is hereby given that the 143rd  Annual General Meeting of the Members of Rowing New South Wales Incorporated (“RNSW”) will be held at 7.00 p.m. on Wednesday 27 October 2021 via Vero Voting and Zoom technology.

As now permitted by the Corporations Act, the meeting will be a virtual meetign that is taken to be held at the registered office of RNSW, being 19a/37 Nicholson Street, Balmain East, New South Wales, Sydney, 2041. Instructions on how to use the Vero Voting and Zoom technology for the virtual meeting will be forwarded shortly to Constituent Member delegates. 

The Business of the Meeting will be:

1. To confirm the minutes of the Annual General Meeting for the year ended 30 June 2020;

2. To receive the Annual Report of RNSW for the year ended 30 June 2021 on the activities of the Association during the last preceding financial year;

3. To hold an election for the position of Deputy President and two directors of RNSW as members of the Board for the period from the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting until the conclusion of the 2024 annual General Meeting; and

4. To receive and consider the Association’s financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2021 and the auditor’s report on those statements in accordance with section 44 of the Act.

Election of Office Bearers and other Directors
Under the Constitution of RNSW, the Directors for the period from the conclusion of the 2021 Annual General Meeting until the conclusion of the 2024 Annual General Meeting will be elected at the Annual General Meeting in accordance with the following provisions:

1. The Positions to be filled are:

  • Deputy President

  • Two Directors

2. The Current Deputy President and Directors are eligible for re-election.

3. In accordance with clause 32 of the Constitution, nominations of candidates for election as office-bearers and directors of the Association:

a. Must nominate a Registered Member and specify the office or offices for which the nomination is made;

b. Must be made in writing, signed for or on behalf of two Constituent Members of the Association and accompanied by the written consent of the candidate (which may be endorsed on the form of the nomination), and

c. Must be delivered to the Secretary, Margot Harley (CEO) at the office of the Association, at least 14 days before the date fixed for the holding of the annual general meeting at which the election is to take place.

If no nomination is received to fill a particular vacancy on the Board, the vacant position shall be taken to be casual vacancy and may be filled in accordance with sub-clause 35(2) of the Constitution.

If only one nomination is received for a particular vacancy to be filled, the person nominated is taken to be elected.

If more than one nomination is received to fill a particular vacancy or if (in the case of multiple vacancies) the number of nominations received exceeds the number of vacancies to be filled, a ballot must be held.

Any ballot for the election of office-bearers and other directors is to be conducted at the annual general meeting in such usual and proper manner as is determined by the Board and set out in the By-laws.

4. A pro forma Nomination Form for Members wishing to nominate for any position to be filled is attached.

Desirable Director Skills and Networks
Rowing NSW strives to attract Directors from a range of backgrounds and experiences to ensure that the Board is representative of the diverse community of rowing in NSW.

The primary role of Directors is to provide effective governance of the organisation, to approve and monitor Rowing NSW’s strategic direction and to guide and support the management team in its execution of the strategic plan. Board members are required to contribute a variety of competencies and skills to ensure the ongoing viability and success of Rowing NSW.

The Rowing NSW Board has undertaken a review for the purposes of evaluating the skills mix of both current and potential Directors. A skills analysis has been undertaken on the current board to determine which skill sets are most desirable and of greatest need from the incoming Directors.

Three key areas of current need identified are:
1) Regional Clubs/Schools/Associations experience
2) IT Systems/Database experience
3) Youth Rowing experience

Prospective candidates are invited to consider the skill sets outlined when nominating for the Rowing NSW Board. Nomination Forms and accompanying documentation must reach the offices of Rowing NSW prior to the 5.00pm close of business on Wednesday 13 October 2021.

Margot Harley
Secretary to the Board
29 September 2021