NSW Office of Sport Mentor Training Course

Published Tue 19 Dec 2017

This message is to notify you about the next Mentor Training Course being conducted by the Office of Sport. It will be held on Sunday, February 25.

We have decided to run these training courses again in 2018 but they will only be offered twice as generic courses that anyone can enrol in.

I wanted to get the first notification about the February Mentor Training Course out before Xmas because it’s hard to get a message to anyone with any certainty during January but I will also be sending out some reminders after Xmas.

Mentoring programs are valuable tools for developing coaches and officials and many sports have successfully implemented mentoring programs for this purpose. But commonly there has been little formal direction or training for mentors to assist them in this role. As a consequence the Australian Sports Commission has designed a course to specifically assist somebody taking on a mentoring role in Coaching or Officiating.

The Mentor Training Course contains units on the following topics

  1. How Does Mentoring Work In Sport
  2. Know Your Mentee
  3. Setting Up Mentoring Relationships
  4. Mentoring in Action
  5. Communication Skills For Mentors
  6. Managing and Resolving Conflict

Full venue and date details are:


Date: Sunday, February 25

Times: 9:30am till 3.30pm

Venue: Fraser Meeting Room, Level 2 NSWIS Building, 6 Figtree Dve., Sydney Olympic Park

Cost: $75.00


Registration for the Mentor Training Course is via the “Book Now” link on course description page on our website.




Alternatively individuals who would like to attend can call our client services division on 131302 to book in over the phone. When following this procedure have a credit card handy and quote Program Number 0082413 for Mentor Training