Reviewable Decision | Adoption of a new class of Rowing NSW Competing Member Category

Published Fri 03 Jul 2020

At the Board Meeting of Rowing NSW on Wednesday 17 June 2020, Rowing NSW resolved to create a new class of the Competing Member category of Registered Members pursuant to clause 12(3)(iii) and clause 14 of the Constitution. The new class of Competing Member will be known as an “Indoor Rowing Member”, and such members will have the same rights as Competing Members, but limited to participation in rowing events and regattas designated by Rowing NSW as ‘indoor rowing events.’

In accordance with section 43 of the Rowing NSW Constitution: Certain Matters to be Subject to Review by Constituent Members, these amendments passed at the June Board meeting are deemed to be “Reviewable Decisions” and will not become effective except in accordance with sub-clause (3) or (5) of the Constitution.

The Reviewable Decisions will therefore become effective at 29 July 2020.

If, on or prior to 29 July 2020, Constituent Members representing more than 20% of the aggregate voting entitlements of all Constituent Members notify Rowing NSW in writing that they require the Reviewable Decision/s to be reviewed, Rowing NSW shall promptly convene a special general meeting to consider (and if thought fit pass) a resolution rescinding the Reviewable Decision/s.

Constituent Members who have received the reviewable decision material and are requesting the Reviewable Decisions to be reviewed should direct all correspondence to Margot Harley, Secretary to the Board.

Rowing NSW Fees | Reviewable Decision Notice

Annexure 1.3 2020-2021 Fees