Reviewable Decision - Changes to the Laws of Boat Racing

Published Fri 20 Sep 2024

At the Board meeting on 18 September 2024, the Board of Directors of Rowing NSW approved an amendment to Law 8 of the Rowing NSW Laws of Boat Racing. The amendment introduces a new masters category, ‘N’, for rowers aged 92 years or more. 

Pursuant to Section 43 of the Constitution, this change is classified as a Reviewable Decision. Constituent Members have 28 days to notify the Board if they require the decision to be reviewed. Should any Constituent Member wish to have the decision reviewed, they must write to the Secretary of the Board, Melissa Ashton-Garard, by the close of business 18 October 2024 (28 days after this notification).

All club presidents and secretaries have been advised in writing, and this notice serves as the official website notification for the review period. 

20 September 2024