Rowing NSW CEO moves on

Published Thu 18 Jan 2018


Tony Blower, CEO Rowing NSW and the Rowing NSW board announce Tony’s resignation.  After seven years of outstanding service, five and a half as CEO and before that as Regatta Operations Manager Tony has decided to move on to other challenges and the board is (reluctantly) supportive of his decision. 

This move has been planned for some time and reflects Tony’s view and recommendation that best practice for the leadership of sporting bodies is a CEO term of 5 years allowing renewal and reenergizing from a time demanding position.

Tony has led Rowing NSW with distinction delivering milestones on many fronts including most recently the building of the Women’s National Training Centre on time, on budget and safety incident free.

The position of CEO is being filled by search through Sportspeople and the position can be found on their webpage here;

Interested members are encouraged to apply.


Stephen Donnelley
