South Mosman Wharf Upgrade

Published Tue 12 May 2020

The NSW Government is planning to improve South Mosman Wharf as part of the Transport Access Program. The proposal for South Mosman would improve accessibility for our customers.

A concept design has been developed and we are inviting the community to have their say on the suggested changes. We encourage you to ask questions and give your feedback on the proposed wharf design by 5pm on Friday 29 May 2020.

For more information visit our project webpage and project portal to view the concept design and provide feedback:

Given the current environment of COVID-19, we will not be holding public meetings to safeguard the health and safety of the community and our staff. Instead of community information sessions, you can meet the team through a phone or online meeting. Phone or email us to express your interest and we can work with you to allow for your personal circumstances.

Contact the project team at or call 1800 770 973 (toll free) during business hours.


Wharf Upgrade Program Project Team

T: 1800 770 973 | E: