Sport Assessor and Presenter/Facilitator Training Course
Published Wed 11 Oct 2017
The New South Wales Office of Sport are running a Sport Assessor and Presenter/Facilitator Training Course for 2017.
The two courses will be conducted as a single combined course over the weekend of 18th and 19th of November.
The Assessor and Presenter/Facilitator Training Courses have been designed by the Australian Sports Commission to meet the needs of individuals who work as presenters or assessors in your sport's Coaching Accreditation or Officiating Accreditation programs.
The ASC recommends these courses as the minimum requirement for Assessors and Presenters working in the NCAS or NOAS programs.
Please let your personnel who are involved in coach, or officiating education, know about the availability of these courses.
Full details are as follows;
Assessor & Presenter Facilitator Training Course
Date: November 18th and November 19th
Times: 9.00pm – 5.00pm
Venue: Fraser Room, Level 2 NSWIS Building, 6 Figtree Dve, Sydney Olympic park
Cost: $120
We have an email friendly application form that can be accessed, completed and sent from our website and it can be found on the following course information web page on our website;
Just scroll down and open the “Book Now” link.