Sydney Fish Market Redevelopment | Community Feedback required

Published Mon 01 Jun 2020

The NSW Government is calling on the community to provide feedback on three scenarios which will help inform a final precinct plan for Blackwattle Bay and the Sydney Fish Markets. Three precinct plan scenarios have been created and are available for comment from the community that will inform a final precinct plan that will submit to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment for assessment.

There will be further opportunity for public comment through the statutory process once the final precinct plan has been developed and submitted to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment for assessment.

The proposed plans are of concern to Rowing NSW on the grounds that the cumulative effect of adding any of these precincts to the Bay will make it unsafe for rowing to continue. Of critical concern is the orientation and proximity of the proposed fish market wharves which will encroach the existing rowing training course and create an unsafe environment for local club rowers entering and existing their pontoons.

Consultation closes 5pm Friday 19 June 2020

To view the plans and provide comment:

Email ideas, comments and questions to:

Phone: 1800 931 109

Post your ideas to: INSW Blackwattle Bay, PO Box R220, Royal Exchange NSW 1225