Sydney International Regatta Centre - Blue Green Algae Update

Published Fri 06 Mar 2020

The Sydney International Regatta Centre (SIRC) has today released a fact sheet on Blue Green Algae which has developed in Penrith Lakes due to the recent high rainfall and humid conditions.

Please refer to the fact sheet link below;

Sydney International Regatta Centre - Blue Green Algae

SIRC have advised that current conditions in Penrith Lakes are at a 'red alert' meaning that any full body immersion activites such as swimming are restricted.

Simple precautions can be taken to reduce the risks of being affected by blue green algae. These include:

- Shower after contact with the water

- Avoid swallowing water

- Leave the water if you notice any effects. 

SIRC will continue to monitor water levels and Rowing NSW will keep all informed.

Please note that there is currently no immediate concern with the cancellation of any regattas at SIRC.