Vale | Brian Davis - Leichhardt Rowing Club

Published Mon 20 Jan 2020

HOTY 2015 Winners

Rest in Peace - Brian Davis

Brian Davis face

By the Leichhardt Rowing Club President, Steven Duff

Dear LRC Members and Friends

On Tuesday 7th January 2020 our Brian Davis passed away in hospital from cancer.

Brian joined LRC in 2005 from one of our Learn To Row programs and was told he had to improve his technique before he was allowed to move to a competitive membership. Since the then president Tim Clare said those words there was no stopping him. Being a natural athlete with an ice skating background he immediately showed us all up with his ability to endure pain. Unless there was blood we were not trying! He immediately joined the Avian group and was nicknamed Kiwi, a fairly tame option compared to what the rest of us copped, due to his NZ background. We went on to win just about everything - regularly State Masters Champions and probably peaking with our win at the Head Of The Yarra in 2015. We had many great times together.

Brian was a terrific club member helping around the shed with repairs and giving advice when asked. His dry sense of humour fitted in well with the other characters at the shed.

He was also known for his early (I mean very early) morning sculling sessions. He would come in as we were leaving the pontoon at 5am so he could get to work. We all laughed that if he fell in and a shark attacked him the shark would come off second best.

Brian was the sort of person all clubs need. A terrific contributor who just got on with it. At 73 he was robbed and so were we from his involvement.

To Gail and his family we pass on our heart felt condolences and best wishes. He is deeply missed.

His funeral was Saturday 18th January, 2020. Rookwood Cemetery South. 2:30pm. It was an irreverent farewell.

Steven Duff
President - Leichhardt Rowing Club

HOTY 2015 Winners narrow